“The Mermaid’s Soul” 6+
Non-verbal play “The Mermaid’s Soul” is a play for a whole family, which is based on the fairy tale by H.C.Andersen “The Little Mermaid”. A beautiful tale is told by the poetry of the body movements, deep light, images and sounds and touches upon a serious and even childless theme. What can you sacrifice for your cherished dream? The Little Mermaid’s dream is to become a human being, to meet mutual love and more important to obtain the immortal soul. To make her dream come true she gives up everything she has: her marvelous voice, her home, her family and friends. May be the souls of the Little Mermaid and her beloved prince were meant to meet but on Earth they were not fated to be together. What are you ready to give away for you dream? What does it mean for us to have a soul? What is a soul in general?
The Director – Ekaterina Varlakova
The Cast
Ekaterina Varlakova
Anton Pestov
Antonina Popova
Ekaterina Krivetskaya
The Mermad’s voice – a singer Anna Kucheryavy
The Light Designer – Vladimir Fedotov
The Sound Operator – Maria Belevich, Alexandra Lavrova
The Sound Studio Technician – Dmitry Lukash
The Costumes – Marina Nikiphorova
The Props – Andrew Zabrodin, Alexandre Varlakov, Olga Pinaeva, MI MInor artists.
The creative consultants – Nikolay Kurushin, Tatiana Philimonova, Sasha Sergeev, Olga Ermakova
The scene from the play named “The Man and the Sea” was based on the number from the repertoire of Leningrad Mime Ensemble (Director Grigory Gurevich) and performed by Tatiana Philimonova and Alexandre Sadkin in 1970s.