Ekaterina Varlakova
(the leader)
Education: Directing
and Pedagogical Activity in the Youth Theatres (2012).
A theatre
director, a teacher and an actor with performing experience in Russia, Germany,
Malta and Spain.
2008 a creative director of the Mime Theatre “MI MInor” in Saint-Petersburg,
Russia. The director of a range of numbers, performances and plays (“Lilit and
Eve, “Topsy-turvy”, “The Dustfall”). The author of a monoplay “Life ONLINE”, “The
Mermaid’s Soul” and “Queen Anna”.
The “MI
Minor” group with her participation performed in following festivals:
International Festival of Visual and Performing Arts “Sobitie” (2016, 2015),
International Funny Festival (2015, 2013, 2012), International Women Festival
of Art and Humour (2014), Total Theatre Festival “Futurum” (2014),
International Festival of Street Theatres (2014, 2012), 30th
International Pantomime Festival Dresden (Germany, 2012), The White Mask
International Mime Festival (Moscow, 2011).
A scriptwriter and director of the plays
“Everlasting Fairy-tales” (2016) and “Thumbelina”(2015) put on the stage with
Russian-speaking kids in Malta. The last one took part in the International
Theatre Festival in Paris and was marked with a diploma for its plastic
Drama and
mime teacher for young adults and children (for Erasmus+ project, 2016; in
Tenerife kids summer camp, 2016; in the kids school in Malta, 2015,2016; in
kids Show-center in Saint-Petersburg, 2014-2015).
Run the mime
and movement course for drama actors in the Youth Theatre “Uventa”
(2011-2012). Was a teacher and a master
of the 3-year course of acting for University students based on the Youth
Theatre “Uventa” (2008-2011).
An actress in the Youth Theatre “Uventa” (2002-2013,
takes regular part in dance, mime, clownery and physical theatre workshops. Among
them workshops by Nikolai Kurushin (Terra Mobile Theatre, till present), a
clown Paolo Nani (Vordingborg, Denmark, 2015), Modern Mime Summer School in
Warsaw (2013), professor E.V. Markova (2011-2013), actors
of the clown-mime-theatres “Licedei”, “Mimigranti” and “CheloVEK”.
An actor of a mime-theatre MI MInor
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Department of Foreign Languages.
Major: linguistics, a teacher (German, English).
Additional education
Aug 2014 and 2013 - pantomime work-shops in Warsaw School of Pantomime, Poland.
Acting work-shops (M. Chumachenko,
Acting work-shops (M. Chumachenko, the professor, Chair of Directing, Russian Academy of Theatre Art; O. Snopkov, an
associate professor of Chair of Stage Plastics).
Courses “Teatring” on the major: “Pantomime” (Cente of Creative Initiative).
Private classes held by Dorjy Galsanov, an actor of Plastic Drama theatre “Chelovek”.
Mime work-shops by Alexander Makeev (a founder and an actor of a famous clown-mime-theatre “Licedei”, a creative director and a pedagogue of “School of Movement”).
Pantomime Studio on the base of the theatre “Mimigranti” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), led by Ludmila Plusch.
Mime work-shops led by Pavel Mansurov (a teacher of plastics and dancing in the school-studio on the base of the theatre “Licedei”).
Creative consultations with the director and the leader of an ex-theatre “Terra Mobile”, teacher of plastics Vadim Miheenko.
Creative studio led by an actor of clown-mime theatre “MiMelange” Pavel Mikhailov (Academy of Performance Arts “Citrus-art”).
Classes of Classic Pantomime by Elena Markova (the professor of the Chair of Foreign Arts and the author of numerous books and articles about Marcel Marceux and the art of pantomime).
A former actor of the legendary theatre of Plastic Drama "CheloVEK".
A stage choreographer, a plastic director.
Evgenia Rusinova
A former director and a former actor of a mime-theatre MI MInor
Saint-Petersburg University of Waterway Communications' 2012.
Major: Directing and Pedagogical Activity in the Youth Theatres.
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia’ 2007.
Major: a teacher, an interpreter in sphere of professional communications.
Infant School of Art. Choreographic Department (Volgograd, Russia).
Additional education
2004-2008 – Directing Courses (theatre “Uventa”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
Clothes Designing Courses (Educational Center A. Conto).
Dancing work-shops on “Jazz”, “Modern” (Cannon Dance, Festival “Open Look”).
Acting work-shops (M. Chumachenko, the professor, Chair of Directing, Russian Academy of Theatre Art; O. Snopkov, an associate professor of Chair of Stage Plastics).
Courses “Teatring” on the major: “Pantomime” (Cente of Creative Initiative).
Private classes held by Dorjy Galsanov, an actor of Plastic Drama theatre “Chelovek”.
Mime work-shops by Alexander Makeev (a founder and an actor of a famous clown-mime-theatre “Licedei”, a creative director and a pedagogue of “School of Movement”).
Mime work-shops led by Pavel Mansurov (a teacher of plastics and dancing in the school- studio on the base of the theatre “Licedei”).
Creative consultations with the director and the leader of an ex-theatre “Terra Mobile”, teacher of plastics Vadim Miheenko.
A teacher of acting and an actor (theatre “Uventa”, creative director Victor Nikolaev).
A creative director, an organizator and host of infant holidays of infant theatre
studio (Infant Developing Centre “Star Country”).
A pedagogue-organizator, creative director of a school theatre (Gymnasium № 528).
A scriptwriter, a director, a host of concerts.

Anna Yazikova
An actor of a mime-theatre MI MInor
St Petersburg State Institute of Technology’ 2007.
Major: an engineer.
Additional education
2008 – Floristic Courses.
Acting work-shops (M. Chumachenko, the professor, Chair of Directing, Russian Academy of Theatre Art; O. Snopkov, an
associate professor of Chair of Stage Plastics).
Courses “Teatring” on the major: “Pantomime” (Cente of Creative Initiative).
Private classes held by Dorjy Galsanov, an actor of Plastic Drama theatre “Chelovek”.
Mime work-shops by Alexander Makeev (a founder and an actor of a famous clown-mime-theatre “Licedei”, a creative director and a pedagogue of “School of Movement”).
Pantomime Studio on the base of the theatre “Mimigranti” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), led by Ludmila Plusch.
Mime work-shops led by Pavel Mansurov (a teacher of plastics and dancing in the school-studio on the base of the theatre “Licedei”).
Creative consultations with the director and the leader of an ex-theatre “Terra Mobile”, teacher of plastics Vadim Miheenko.
Creative studio led by an actor of clown-mime theatre “MiMelange” Pavel Mikhailov (Academy of Performance Arts “Citrus-art”).
Classes of Classic Pantomime by Elena Markova (the professor of the Chair of Foreign Arts and the author of numerous books and articles about Marcel Marceux and the art of pantomime).
A florist-designer, company “Prazdnik” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
An actor of the theatre “Uventa” (creative director Victor Nikolaev).
An animator, a stilts-actor of show-programs.
An actor of a mime-theatrical group MI MInor.
Can fence, walk on stilts (1,5 height).
Have driving license (B).